
Company's news

Created on 29.06.2018 14:23 Questionnaire Created on 25.06.2018 16:58 The refresher training courses in the meteorological service Created on 25.06.2018 14:23 Opening of the long-awaited flight on the route Pavlodar-Novosibirsk. Created on 25.06.2018 09:18 Members of the primary party organization of "Kazaeronavigatsiya" - "Nur Otan" visited the multifunctional scientific-analytical and humanitarian-educational state institution "Nazarbayev Center". Created on 22.06.2018 12:51 The Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment unit of the “Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” subsidiary of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE Created on 22.06.2018 11:09 The preparation of meteorological equipment for certification verification Created on 22.06.2018 10:05 Principles of air space classification Created on 22.06.2018 08:38 Aviation and chemical works in Kostanay region Created on 21.06.2018 14:16 А new command and control tower “Munara” was opened at the airport of Atyrau Created on 20.06.2018 15:54 Study is the way for skill Created on 20.06.2018 14:22 The employees of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE took part in the 25th World Mining Congress Created on 19.06.2018 10:10 The ATM department of Atyrau branch held a meeting with the representatives of the civil aviation airfield of Atyrau Created on 19.06.2018 10:06 State Metrological Control Created on 18.06.2018 14:50 Children are the flowers of life Created on 18.06.2018 10:43 Improvement of database management and automation of graphic information display Created on 18.06.2018 10:37 Preparation for the Kazakh-Russian forum of cross-border cooperation Created on 18.06.2018 09:34 About operation of the GIS Meteo software complex of the Shymkent subsidiary Created on 15.06.2018 12:15 The fire fighting trainings were conducted on the 15th of June 2018 in the subsidiaries of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE Created on 13.06.2018 08:59 The maintenance of radar MSSR-SVK is conducted in the Kokshetau subsidiary Created on 12.06.2018 12:17 The Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment Department of the Aktau subsidiary of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE Created on 11.06.2018 11:55 There was a partial runway excursion of the Boeing 737 Created on 11.06.2018 11:44 The development of elements of airspace structure of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey, Urdzhar and Zaisan aerodromes Created on 08.06.2018 17:23 The Uralsk branch of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia" took part in the job fair organized by the West Kazakhstan Agricultural and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. Created on 08.06.2018 11:29 The next joint meeting of Working Group 4 “Meteorological Support of Civil Aviation” of the International Council for Hydrometeorology (CIS ICH WG-4) and the Project Team on the Implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices in Eastern Europe, including Central Asia was held in Astana. Created on 08.06.2018 10:51 At the end of may this year, operation of radio equipment and communications serive of Zhambyl took organizational and technical measures to put into operation the control system and operational account of the work of engineers for the maintenance of radio equipment Created on 04.06.2018 17:20 The team “Kazaeronavigatsia” won 3rd place at the European Football Championship among Air Traffic Controllers Created on 04.06.2018 17:19 The international flight on the route Kokshetau-Moscow was renewed Created on 04.06.2018 11:21 Representatives of the Kazaeronavigation RSE took part in the 25th meeting of the air traffic management group - Eastern part of the ICAO European region (ATMGE/25). Created on 04.06.2018 11:11 Exercises on the organization of ATS were conducted in Shymkent branch Created on 01.06.2018 16:49 The Ust-Kamenogorsk branch of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia" took part in the job fair