Principles of air space classification
Created on 22.06.2018 10:05
In accordance with the "Plan for the development and implementation of the structure of the airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the service of the Department of internal Affairs of Shymkent branch of RSE "kazaeronavigatsiya", the work on the development of the project the structure of the airspace Shymkent flight information region.
The most important part of this work is the classification of the elements of the airspace structure. The classes of airspace differ mainly in the allocation of responsibilities between ATS units and aircraft crews for the provision of safe air traffic. The specialists of the ATS service, in close cooperation with airspace users, are guided by the best international practice of applying the classification.
The main factors that are taken into account when deciding on the classification of airspace are:
airspace users ' needs for ATS;
the capabilities of the ATS.
Indicators that characterize the needs of airspace users in the appointment of a class and as a consequence – in ATS are the requirements of users that should be met at ATS, for the development of the aviation industry as a whole and the requirements that need to be met to ensure a given level of safety. Together, both types of requirements can be described using the following system of indicators:
the need for separation of flights;
the need for a dispatch or flight information service;
need for flight planning;
the need to control flights due to the presence in the area of the state border;
the need to perform flights on aircraft not equipped with communication equipment, radio navigation equipment and secondary onboard responders.
The maximum satisfaction of all these requirements should be the main purpose of the functioning of the ATS unit.
The capabilities of the ATS unit are determined by the minimum characteristics of the airspace for ground-to-air communication, navigation and surveillance, which can be provided in the process of air traffic maintenance. The assignment of responsibility for air traffic safety to the ATS unit should be justified from the standpoint of the possibility of this unit performing the relevant functions defined by such responsibility.
The procedure for selecting a class for assignment to a particular area of airspace should be based on a comparison of the potential of the ATS unit to provide an appropriate level of service while ensuring the specified characteristics of air traffic.
In accordance with the capabilities of the ATS unit and the needs of users, the procedure for assigning a class is quite simple, since the required class of airspace is determined almost unambiguously.
In the case where the capacity of the ATS unit is greater than the needs of users, the choice of class is carried out within the needs of users.
Finally, in the case where the capacity of the ATS unit is less than the needs of the users, the class is determined within the existing capabilities. This option is characterized by a temporary limitation of user needs.