At the end of may this year, operation of radio equipment and communications serive of Zhambyl took organizational and technical measures to put into operation the control system and operational account of the work of engineers for the maintenance of radi
Created on 08.06.2018 10:51
At the end of may this year, operation of radio equipment and communications seriveIn the service of Zhambyl took organizational and technical measures to put into operation the control system and operational account of the work of engineers for the maintenance of radio equipment for flight support and telecommunications ASCO-INFRASTRUCTURE.
Carrying out MAINTENANCE and repair of the equipment of RTOS and communication is the most important event for radio engineering support of flights. Quality maintenance and repair depends on the frequency, materials, components, elements and the level of training.
The modern world of information technology requires a constant increase in the level of knowledge of specialists in the operation of electronic equipment, the introduction of new techniques and technologies. Thus, the transition to new digital technologies is a priority task of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya".
Implementation of the control and operational accounting system was started by the Central office of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" in the Central Committee of the RC ATS in 2017. During the year, the system was worked out by specialists of the operation of radio equipment and communications service. Adjustments were made periodically to adapt to the requirements of regulatory documents and technical personnel. After successful testing it was decided to implement this system in all branches of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya".
The main objective of this system is the rational and effective use and maintenance of means of Guide to technical communication and communication accurate observance of the time of their conduct, as well as the accumulation of a database for each type (type) of equipment, tracking the history of repairs, in order to reduce the incidence of malfunctions and failures of radio equipment that affect safety.