Company's news
Created on 09.10.2017 14:28
ICAO Secretary General's visit to Kazakhstan
Created on 03.08.2017 14:32
RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" passed the maturity test of the safety management system within the CANSO standards
Created on 05.07.2017 14:43
RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" announces an additional set of potential suppliers
Created on 27.04.2017 14:49
The first Republican scientific-practical conference on actual problems of medical service of civil aviation
Created on 07.04.2017 14:54
"Effective customer service at airports in preparation for Expo-2017".
Created on 09.03.2017 12:17
On January 26, 2017 Mr. Azat Bekturov, the Director General of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE approved a Development Plan of the Air Navigation System of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2019 (the Development Plan of ANS of the Republic of Kazakhstan) agreed with Mr. B. K. Seidakhmetov, the Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Created on 20.02.2017 15:50
The creating the conditions for the transfer of the economy to energy-saving way of development is one of the priorities of the energy strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.