"Effective customer service at airports in preparation for Expo-2017".
Created on 07.04.2017 14:54
In pursuance of the Protocol order of the Chairman of the civil aviation Committee of the Ministry of investment and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 17.01.2017 on the organization of training on the quality of passenger service to ensure the specialized international exhibition Expo-2017, RSE "kazaeronavigatsiya" was organized and held a training seminar "Effective customer service at airports in preparation for Expo-2017".
The seminar was held on the basis of the Aviation training center of Almaty international airport JSC, a professional psychologist was involved in the training.
Only from 27 to 30 March 2017. the workshop was attended by 87 experts division of inspection services of aviation security of International airport of Almaty.
The seminar discussed the criteria of quality service at airports and service, ethical principles, psychological types of clients and methods of working with them depending on their temperament, methods of conflict resolution and skills of self-regulation under stress. In practice, the examples of creating the mission and values of the company for the formation of corporate spirit, methods to improve communication with passengers and equipment to improve the recovery of the body and strengthen its stress resistance were worked out.
The following seminars on effective customer service at the airports are planned to be held in April for specialists of the airports of Astana, Karaganda, Kokshetau.