The first Republican scientific-practical conference on actual problems of medical service of civil aviation
Created on 27.04.2017 14:49
The Committee of Civil aviation of the Ministry of investment and development of Kazakhstan with the support of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" has the honor to invite You to take part in the First Republican conference on topical issues of the medical service of civil aviation, which will be held in Almaty on June 16, 2017 at the address: Almaty, maylina str., 38, conference hall of RSE "kazaeronavigatsiya" (4th floor).
The working language of the conference is Kazakh, Russian.
All participants will be issued a certificate of participation.
Schedule of the conference:
The plenary session is held from 9.00 to 18.00 with coffee breaks, lunch from 13. 00 to 14.00.
Registration of participants from 9-00. The beginning of in 9-30 minutes.
Time for presentation (presentation) 10-15 minutes.
Statements in the debate after each report – up to 5 minutes.
The purpose of the conference is to determine the status and problems of the medical service of civil aviation in ensuring flight safety.
Along the way, it is planned to establish a dialogue between the top managers of the Ministry of investment and development, airline managers, occupational health and safety engineers, airline medical personnel, aviation doctors of the VLE and other specialists related to the field of civil aviation and interested non-governmental organizations.
Participants are expected to:
a) expand their understanding of practical problems related to medical safety, including pre-shift (pre-flight) and periodic mandatory medical examinations of the decreed groups in the field of civil aviation;
b) receive information on the experience of transition to the AME Institute in neighboring countries;
C) will be able to better understand the national rules of medical examination and flight safety;
Conference topics include:
- Regulatory and legal support of medical safety of flights;
- Training of aviation doctors and the training staff;
- Improvement of medical and flight expertise of aviation personnel;
- Medical problems of manned flights;
- Quality control of aviation medical services;
- Protection of the rights of aviation doctors and aviation personnel.
Applications for plenary reports, proposals for specialists who may be invited as chairs and speakers, as well as proposals for participation in the conference by You and Your staff, Your brief biographical data for submission To delegates by the President of the Conference, please inform. the organizing Committee (Republic of Kazakhstan, 050039, Almaty, mailin str, building 38A Medical center Kazaeronavigatsia A. K. Berdongarov, tel: (8272)571940, al.mail: until "3" may 2017.
Abstracts should be sent to I. A. Samchenko by e-mail: samchi@mail.giobemom up to 2 pages with a summary of up to 10 lines until may 12, 2017.
Further information on organizational matters will be sent additionally.