Study is the way for skill
Created on 20.06.2018 15:54
Study is the way for skill
As the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said “Between the person educated and uneducated is the same difference as between the living and the dead.” Indeed, in the contemporary world, an important role is assigned to the training of specialists in order to ensure safety.
Being the only Enterprise of the republican scale providing air navigation services for air traffic, “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE helps the Civil Aviation Academy to train future specialists.
This year, two third-year students arrived in the Zhambyl subsidiary for the production practice. The air traffic controller-instructor organized an excursion, where they got acquainted with the general plan of the aerodrome and the peculiarities of the geographical location of the area. And the staff of Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment Department explained the principles of operation of radio engineering and flight support systems for ATS. Further training will be carried out according to the plan of Mr. F. Dzholdasova, the air traffic controller-instructor.
The production practice in the ATS unit will allow students to become more aware of the correctness of their professional choice implementation, to check the assimilation of theoretical knowledge obtained in the process of study and to determine the professionally important qualities of the future specialty.