
The Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment unit of the “Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” subsidiary of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE

Created on 22.06.2018 12:51

The Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment unit of the “Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” subsidiary of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE

At present, the Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment unit of the subsidiary has begun the final stage of installation and setup of the radar facility equipped with an aerodrome primary radar with S-range and a monopulse secondary radar with mode S, supplemented with ADS-B equipment. This radar will be equipped with a radar dome, which will allow its operation in more severe weather conditions, such as strong wind, heavy rainfall, etc.

The new radar facility will be put into operation instead of two radars that have already worked out their own resource: the primary radar - STAR-2000 and the secondary MSSR-SVK.