
Improvement of database management and automation of graphic information display

Created on 18.06.2018 10:43

The CJSC NPK "R. I. S. K". company for more than 10 years delivers RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" the software (further - SOFTWARE) on development of flight procedures and mapping.

As part of the technical support, of necessity, the development of new technologies and methods of work for the staff of the Department for aeronautical information management (hereinafter-the Department), refresher courses are held on the basis of the supplier in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Regular training took place from 14 to 25 may and from 28 may to 8 June for two groups of Department staff, respectively.

The aim of the training was to improve database management and automation of the process of displaying graphical information. The course program was designed for two weeks and included the study of new software features, the development of the program for database management TOSSM, practical skills in the mapping module SIGMA.

During the course, along with the main tasks, attention was paid to solving current issues to improve the process of building flight procedures and collecting the necessary data. Classes were conducted directly by the developers of the programs.

At the end of the course all participants were issued certificates.