
Representatives of the Kazaeronavigation RSE took part in the 25th meeting of the air traffic management group - Eastern part of the ICAO European region (ATMGE/25).

Created on 04.06.2018 11:21

This meeting was held at EUROCONTROL , the European organization for the safety of air navigation in Brussels, Belgium, from 25 to 27 April 2018.

The meeting was attended by representatives of 9 countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine) and international organizations (ICAO, EUROCONTROL).

The report of the Secretariat on significant international developments in the field of aviation was presented at the meeting.

The results of the first ICAO Symposium on implementation in the field of safety of SANIS and air navigation and the second ICAO global industry Symposium in the field of air navigation GANIS ARE presented;

The report of the European organization for safety of air navigation (EUROCONTROL) on regional monitoring of introduction of elements of block modernization of the ASBU aviation system is brought.

Reports on the implementation of B0 and B1 blocks of block modernization of the ASBU aviation system were heard.

The program of voluntary reports on aviation incidents in the organization of air traffic of the European organization for the safety of air navigation (EUROCONTROL) is presented.

The current status of performance-based navigation in the States of the Eastern part of the ICAO European region was discussed.

Reports from States on significant operational improvements in air traffic management are presented.

The proceedings of the meeting posted on the website of the ICAO ATMGE in the group.

The next ATMGE/26 Meeting is scheduled for September 2018 in Paris, France.