
A technical conference on ATM features during the autumn-winter season was held at Pavlodar branch

Created on 03.11.2020 12:00

As part of promoting the safety, routine and economical air traffic in the autumn-winter season, specific activities were conducted in all departments of Pavlodar branch. On October 30, 2020, a technical conference on ATM features during the autumn-winter season was held for the ATM Service staff and representatives of Flight Support Services of the Pavlodar branch, as well as to employees of Pavlodar Airport JSC and military unit 36739.

The conference was opened by Berik Kozhaniyazov, the Director of the Pavlodar branch, who described the features of the autumn-winter season, characterized by an increase of various flights in complicated meteorological conditions and, as a result, a potential increase in the number of aviation events affecting the flight safety.

During the conference, V.Braslavsky, the Acting Head of the ATM Service, R.Dzhartenov, the Head of the CNSATM Service and V.Tverdokhleb, the Head of the Meteorological Service presented their reports on the working readiness of personnel, radio-engineering systems, aviation telecommunication tools and meteorological equipment to operate during the autumn-winter season. Particular attention was paid to the features of weather conditions and dangerous meteorological events, facing the autumn-winter season and the cooperation of services involved in providing flights in the coming period.

Drivers of Administrative and Maintenance Department passed tests for "Instructions on traffic organization of aircrafts, special transport and mechanized tools" (Order No. 100 from 23.07.2014) at the Special Transport Service of JSC Pavlodar Airport. Branch services are ready to work during the autumn-winter season.