Nur-Sultan was listed among the 100 safe travel places
Created on 08.10.2020 08:44
Nur-Sultan was included in the list of 100 safe travel places on the planet, published by the World Travel and Tourism Council, according to with reference to Travel Daily Media. The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has announced 100 destinations which have been designated "safe to travel" in three months. Among the CIS countries, it includes Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine.
“We are glad to see how our initiative has achieved such success and is being used in every corner worldwide. Travel organizations from 100 safe destinations are committed to work together to renew a confidence around the world,” said Gloria Guevara, President and CEO of WTTC.
WTTC represents the private sector in travel and tourism areas. In early 2020, the organization has released the world's first global safety and health seal Safe Travels. It was designed to recover the global travel sector affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The specially designed brand allows travelers to recognize destinations around the world that have adopted globally standardized health and hygiene protocols. This direction was approved by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and several global largest tourism groups.