Organization of the West Kazakhstan ATS center air traffic in the autumn-winter period
Created on 23.11.2017 11:42
Organization of the West Kazakhstan ATS center air traffic in the autumn-winter period
Training of the air traffic management service of the West Kazakhstan ATS center is carried out in order to ensure a high level of safety and regularity in the autumn-winter period.
The main task is to carry out high-level organizational measures aimed at ensuring the quality of readiness of the ATC crew to work in autumn-winter and period.
For these purposes, simulator training and technical studies carried out with ATC personnel, and methodical conference with comand and control staff of ATS.
The most actual issues considered on the agenda of this conference:
- The analysis of the safety of flights in the ATS during the autumn and winter period.
- The efficiency of the safety management system (SMS) and the quality system.
- Measures for improvement of the airspace structure, compliance with regulatory legal acts, the requirements for the relevance of aeronautical data within the boundaries of responsibility of ATS.
- Activities to provide safety of flights in ATS during emergency-rescue operations, rendering assistance to the population in the event of natural disasters associated with the possibility of large amount of precipitation and snow cover.
- Measures to prevent the occurrence of fire outbrakes in the ATS and adjacent territories, and also in cases of occurrence of faulty situations in the maintenance of air traffic and the organization of additional (auxiliary) ATC units.
- Measures aimed to examine compliance of meteorological regulations for aerodrome operations with the requirements for the appropriate interaction of meteorological offices with the ATS in the prediction and availability of meteorological hazards for flight. Safety analyzes in previous similar periods, circumstances and causes of accidents and incidents caused by deficiencies in ATS and peculiarities of maintenance of RT communication in the autumn-winter periods are to be studied by the personnel of ATS to ensure safety of flights and recommended to pay special attention to this studies by the ATC .
The goal is to motivate ATC staff to provide the safety of the flights.