
Kostanay branch has strengthened safety measures due to COVID 19 virus

Created on 31.03.2020 19:04

Due to the dysfunctional situation connected with the new coronavirus (COVID-2019) in the world, in order to prevent the occurrence and further spread of diseases at the enterprise, the management of RSE «Kazeronavigatsiya» has taken a number of measures for employees, called to prevent the occurrence of coronavirus infection. In addition, a prevention leaflet has been developed for each staff member.

Accordingly, the Kostanai a conversation was held with personnel on the compliance with the precautionary measures. A checklist on the prevention of coronavirus infection has been placed in all workplaces. The management of the branch in cooperation with the trade union committee developed for the strengthening of prevention additional measures. Firstly disinfectants were purchased, as well as antiseptic supplies for individual hand treatment. All pre-planned mass events such as the Nauryz holidays, sports tournaments in mini-football were cancelled. The question of transporting employees by their own transport to and from work has been developed in order to exclude contacts in public transport.

Personal hygiene measures have been strengthened, and instructions have been given to the Heads of the Service to monitor the condition of subordinates in a state of submission. In cases where symptoms of disease, including SARI, are present, take immediate actions.