The 20th session of the Coordination Air Navigation Commission
Created on 28.11.2019 14:30
On November 19-21, 2019, the 20th session of the Coordination Air Navigation Commission (CAC) of the Interstate Aviation Committee was held in Moscow. The session was attended by more than 130 representatives of air navigation organizations and aviation enterprises, operating in the production and supply of air navigation facilities, as well as the aviation stuff advanced training, civil aviation research institutes.
The Republic of Kazakhstan was presented by representatives of the "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" JSC, the “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE, as well as the Institute of the Ionosphere, that have participated in the meeting of the CAC. The session participants considered a wide spectrum of issues related to enhancing the aviation security, aircraft flight safety in meteorological terms, the aeronautical information quality under the AIM implementation, ensuring cyber security of ATM systems and other relevant topics.
Besides, thematic meetings were organized, as well as an introduction to the activities of the "Planet" Research Center, dealing with the space hydrometeorology. The final outcome of the CAC along with other session inputs will be posted on the official website of the Interstate Aviation Committee.