
November 12 - International ATSEP Day

Created on 14.11.2019 14:11

Nowadays, one of the primary transport modes is the air transport. Millions of passengers carried, millions tons of delivered cargo generate the economy of the countries and determine their development.

Most people, using the airline services, know about the air transport only that, there are pilots who manage the “iron birds”, and a little less they have heard about controllers, who manage the air traffic and ensure flight safety on airways and at aerodromes, and almost no one knows about specialists who operate for both controllers and pilots.

IFATSEA, the International Association, the International ATSEP day defined at November 12 - the International Day of Stuff on Electronic Tools for Ensuring Air Traffic Safety (ATSEP), which is the ATSEP stuff.

Previously, ATSEP specialists informally considered their holiday -the Radio Day, but now they have an official professional holiday ...

November 12 is a celebration for those who ensure the flight safety on the earth and the operability of radio equipment and communication equipment, without which, one might say, aircraft pilots and controllers are blind, deaf and dumb.

The area of ATSEP professional responsibility includes a functionality, exploitation and maintenance of CNS / ATM facilities - ILS landing systems, ADF finders, NDB driving radios, D (VOR) / DME beacons, PSR /SSR primary and secondary radars, A3H-B equipment (ADS-B), ATN aeronautical telecommunication network, AFTN aeronautical fixed telecommunication network, VHF / HF communication equipment, ATMS automated air traffic control systems, satellite earth stations, fiber-optic communication links, electricity equipment resources and lots of other support equipment.

When you are flying, remember that in addition to pilots and flight attendants, at this time, thousands of professionals on the ground  are ensuring your flight safety, and on November 12 they have a professional holiday.

We would like to wish the ATSEP specialists always be at their best at their complicated profession, constantly to improve their professional level, to be responsible for their work and understanding the importance of the activity that we are doing jointly with all the RSE “Kazaeronavigatsia” stuff  to ensure flight safety at the boundless sky of our vast Motherland! Happy International ATSEP day!