Flight practice at the Training Center
Created on 14.10.2019 14:17
The Training Center provides a training for ATM air traffic controllers in accordance with the qualification training system, which involves the education knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for fulfilling their duties.
So, the necessary skills and attitudes laid down upon the initial training of controllers are the most important. For this purpose, Training Center is conducted the education, using various training activities - lectures, educational practices using computers and laboratory equipment, case studies, and simulator training.
In order to learning process on fundamental principles of flight, aerodynamics and radio exchange phraseology, flight practice is provided on aircraft board. This practice is used worldwide to train not only pilots, but also controllers, and allows the future air traffic controller to see the importance and specificity of the chosen profession, understand the principles of interaction between the controller and pilot.
During the summer and October, Training Center students pass a flight practice at Kazakhstan flight schools on small aircrafts. Therefore, from August to October 2019, 3 groups of initial training for ATM controllers have passed an exploratory flight practice.