
Where and how to learn to talk to aircrafts?

Created on 16.09.2019 10:53

Become an air traffic controller is my dream since childhood.
It’s all started when my father took me really young to the Bayserke aerodrome, where I was impressed by the so-called An-2 "crop duster". The “crop duster” lazily was running down the runway and unexpectedly took off the ground - at that moment, I got sick with the sky! My father took my hand and began a fascinating story about how and why aircrafts fly.
But my voracious boyish view got caught on a stand-alone building. It was a tower. When I asked my father if it was possible to go upstairs, he nodded confidently and led me to the tower. At the tower, as a boy, I first met an air traffic controller. Smiling, he explained me, that he regulates airspace. Our dialogue was interrupted by a radio(walkie-talkie),the pilot was reporting his intentions. At that moment, things are back to normal, and I have begun dreaming how to talk to aircrafts.
It has been many years, I have already 2 higher aviation education and 2 years of work. But as is often the way, we forget the dream ...
I'm not the kind seeking easy ways. Throwing everything, I began looking for information on vocational training. I’ve found information on the website of the RSE “Kazaeronavigatsia”. Then I filled out a questionnaire and submitted an application for consideration of my candidacy.
It's been weeks, and they called me, reporting about the next stage, whereupon I was invited for an interview to the capital of our homeland -  Nur-Sultan. And then, after several months, consisting of 8 people, we have begun the initial training of air traffic controllers.
It’s been 3 months, we completed the basic course and have started to the aerodrome course.
My dream came true - thanks to the RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia"!