
An internal workshop on Documentation and Documentation Management Rules was held at the Kostanay subsidiary of the RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia"

Created on 26.07.2019 09:11

In order to clarify the order of official documents, at the Kostanay branch of the RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia" was held  an internal seminar on Documentation and Documentation Management Rules for experts of the RSE" Kazaeronavigatsia".
A.S. Tulenov, the Director of the Kostanay branch, delivered a welcoming speech, addressed to the workshop participants , and emphasized , the rules for documenting and managing documentation  are playing  a key role in the branch activities, employees have to know and be able to correctly compile the official documents.
R. Balgozhin, the head of the Documentary support and archive Division
of the Department of Administrative and  Human resources, has explained the procedure for receiving, processing and registering incoming correspondence, the procedure for monitoring the execution of documents, preparing and processing orders and certificates, as well as sending outgoing correspondence.
Also, they were discussing main requirements and liability for violation of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the procedure for considering appeals of individuals and legal entities.
During the workshop, problematic issues of case management were discussed, arising in the current activities of structural divisions. The workshop participants actively had discussed issues, regarding to the regulatory and legal basis for case management, documentation procedure, features of documents preparation on official language.
Specific attention was paid to innovations, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 31, 2018, No. 703 "On approval of the Rules for documentation, documentation management and using of electronic document management system at state and non-state organizations."