A workshop on compliance with labor laws, occupational safety and health conditions was held at the Southeast Regional Center for ATM of the RSE “Kazaeronavigatsia”
Created on 23.07.2019 14:10
At the Southeast Regional Center for ATM of the RSE “Kazaeronavigatsia”, employees of the “SRC ATM” subsidiary held a meeting with the working group on ensuring rights of transport enterprises workers , stationed in the supervised region, consisting of: A.B.Taybekova, Senior Prosecutor of the Aviation Transport procuracy of Almaty; N.N.Kasymbekov, Senior Prosecutor of the Aviation Transport procuracy of Almaty ; and K.A.Dildabekova, State Labor Inspector of Social Welfare Department of Almaty.
This meeting with the workforce of the aviation industry is traditional and held annually.
“Aviation Transport procuracy is not only a supervisory authority. Procuracy’s representatives annually report to employees of enterprises on the work they have done, stationed in the supervised region”, said A.B.Taybekova, Senior Prosecutor of the Aviation Transport procuracy of Almaty.
Compliance with labor laws, occupational safety and health conditions is controlled by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia" is considered a very stable and quiet enterprise. There are no appeals and complaints from employees, no salary delays.
S.S.Naukeyev, Branch Director, emphasized that during the existence of the Enterprise, the management cares about employees. The enterprise is stable, enjoys well-deserved authority not only in the post-Soviet space, but also on the international arena.