"Chosing future profession» - professional orientation session in Atyrau schools
Created on 17.05.2019 11:11
The employees of ATC and meteorological services of the Atyrau branch of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" was organized the work on vocational guidance among pupils of the senior classes of grammar school No. 35 named after H. ergaliyev and secondary technical gymnasium with profound studying English language.
During the lecture-conversation, the students showed great interest in the profession of aviation dispatcher and meteorologist, and their attention was drawn to the fact that the air traffic controller needs at least a fourth level of English, such a great interest among students is due to the fact that in Atyrau, perhaps, as nowhere in Kazakhstan, English is increasingly in demand. Atyrau is the oil capital of Kazakhstan, and there are many companies with foreign participation and their branches in the city, so everyone strives to use and expand the knowledge of English in the most real-life situations of real communication, obtained in school and in secondary/higher education institutions. The lecture-conversation aimed at professional orientation was very interesting to interest all the present students more, students were asked simple but important questions: what refuels the aircraft, why flights are delayed by weather conditions, etc., thus all the present students and even teachers listened with pleasure and noted that they received from the lecture-conversation what they did not know before.