
The 63rd annual IFATCA conference took place in Singapore

Created on 22.04.2024 17:25

The specialists from the Republic of Kazakhstan were also invited to the conference of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Association (IFATCA). It took place from April 15 to April 19 this year. The large-scale event of the organization representing the interests of air traffic controllers brought together more than 400 people from 94 countries, as well as representatives of ICAO, IATA, EUROCONTROL, IFALPA.

The annual IFATCA conference, held by foreign specialists, is designed to contribute to improving air traffic safety and sustainable development of aviation, while covering all members of the aviation community. The Republic of Kazakhstan has been a full member of the federation since 2014 and is the only representative among the countries of Central Asia.

It is worth noting that the delegation of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE, headed by Mr. Zhanbolat Baymakhan, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Trade Union, held business meetings with Mrs. Helena Sjöström, the President of IFATCA – and Mrs. Cheryl Chen, the Director of the Asian and Pacific region, as well as with representatives of India, Switzerland and Hong Kong. As a result, the parties reached agreements on the development of cooperation, which includes: increasing the status and level of professionalism of air traffic controllers providing air traffic services in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

By the way, the federation has been representing the interests of air traffic controllers for more than 50 years and has more than 50,000 members in more than 130 countries.