
The specialists of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE took part in the meeting of the Coordination Council “Eurasia”

Created on 18.04.2024 17:05

On April 16, the 38th meeting of the Coordination Council “Eurasia” took place in St. Petersburg. The meeting was opened by Mr. Ardak Utepov, the Chairman of the Coordination Council “Eurasia” – the Deputy Director General of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE, noting that safety will always be the main priority of the air transport industry, where a large role is given to effective air navigation services. He also emphasized the importance of continuing cooperation and thanked the Russian side for organizing the event.

The main focus of the meeting was the reports of members of the Coordination Council “Eurasia”, in which representatives of air navigation enterprises spoke about the activities of national ANSPs, shared their experience in implementing various projects aimed at improving safety and the quality of air navigation services, and also informed participants about development plans. Particular attention was paid to the issues of supporting unmanned aviation flights and integrating UAVs into the common airspace.

The event was attended by representatives of the Federal Air Transport Agency, members of the Coordination Council “Eurasia” - FSUE “State ATM Corporation”, “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE (Kazakhstan), “Azeraeronavigatsia” (Azerbaijan), “Armaeronavigatsia” CJSC (Armenia), State Enterprise “Belaeronavigatsia” (Belarus), State Enterprise “Kyrgyzaeronavigatsia” (Kyrgyzstan), State Unitary Enterprise “Tajikaeronavigatsia” (Tajikistan) and Center “Uzaeronavigatsia” (Uzbekistan) and representatives of international organizations - IATA, IAC and others.

During the meeting, members of the Coordination Council “Eurasia” outlined areas for further cooperation, discussed, among other things, the format of work and proposals for inclusion in the activity plan of the “Eurasia” Coordination Group of Experts.

By the way, the Coordination Council “Eurasia” was created in 1999 in order to increase the efficiency of resolving of air traffic management issues, coordinating the actions of air navigation enterprises in the field of Air Traffic Flow Management, improving interaction between adjacent ATM bodies, as well as developing and submitting agreed measures on the development of national air navigation systems to national aviation administrations.