In Aktau branch of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" the Automated System of Control and Operational accounting was put into trial operation
Created on 24.12.2018 11:56
In Aktau branch of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" the Automated System of Control and Operational Accounting (ASCO) was put into trial operation. The creation of a complex of automation of accounting for maintenance is aimed at strengthening control by the management of the Aktau branch of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" for the implementation of maintenance of equipment facilities by specialists of the service operation of radio equipment and communication.
The ASCO COMPLEX includes an Automated Workplace (arm) of the chief engineer for database storage and specialized mobile terminals. In the course of his work, the engineer (technician) uses a mobile terminal, which receives information on maintenance and current planned works. Engineer-head of the automated workplace monitors the progress of work and completion of work. As a result, operational interaction is provided at all stages of work. Thus, the ASCO COMPLEX allows you to control the implementation of MAINTENANCE and ongoing work at all stages of the task.