
An inspectionon on aviation security was carried out in Atyrau branch

Created on 16.07.2018 11:48

Atyrau branch of the division of aviation safety and ZK RTS ATS "Kazaeronavigatsia" conducted an inspection of aviation security.                            

During the inspection, in accordance with the checklist, were inspected services ERTOS, ATS and weather service. Special attention was paid to the inspection of aviation security at the facilities located outside the protected area of the airport. Checked availability and compliance: perimetrului fencing, perimeter and facility security alarm, lighting. A training call of the rapid response team (RRT) was made at the remote position "Survey airfield and track radar", protected by the security company. The standard for the required time of arrival, the GBI was executed. Along with the remote facilities, the branch facilities located in the protected area of the airport were also examined: radio beacon landing systems, a weather radar, a separate observation point in the command and control center and a technical building with the Munara control tower, where the presence of security alarm, lighting, access control and video surveillance systems was checked.

As a result of the audit, it was noted that the protection of aviation personnel, air navigation infrastructure facilities from acts of unlawful interference, as well as air traffic control systems from cyberattacks in the branch comply with the norms, rules and procedures for aviation security.