
Aktau branch of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" held a farewell of the chief engineer of complex radar and radio navigation service of the ERTOS - Blagoevich Igor Olegovic

Created on 15.04.2019 09:49

Aktau branch of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" held a farewell of the chief engineer of complex radar and radio navigation service of the ERTOS - Blagoevich Igor Olegovich, he was awarded a letter of Appreciation and a commemorative gift.
Blazhevich Igor Olegovich 1978 graduated from Taganrog radio engineering Institute named after V. D. Kalmykov, specialty "Automated control systems". Total work experience of 41 years.Since 1996 works in Aktau branch of RSE "kazaeronavigatsiya".
Quality of the performed work always stood for Igor Olegovich on the first place. He is a bright example for experienced colleagues and a wise mentor for the younger generation. We respect him for his high level of professionalism and work skills.
The staff of Aktau of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" expresses to Igor Olegovich universal gratitude and deep appreciation for the excellent work and for the invaluable contribution to the development of our branch.