Happy Transport workesrs Day!
Created on 06.08.2018 16:41
Every year, on the first Sunday of August, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of transport workers. It has an official status and is included in the list of professional holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved in 1998 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The transport complex is one of the main, strategically important segments of the domestic economy, which plays a huge role in strengthening the industrial and technological potential of the country, in the development of interregional and international relations. And of course, the quality of people's lives largely depends on its reliable and uninterrupted operation.
Today, the transport complex has a powerful production, scientific,technical and human potential. Thanks to the daily conscientious work, professionalism and responsible attitude of transport infrastructure workers, the tasks of modernization of the industry, improvement of the quality of passenger service, cargo delivery, expansion of the range of services and works, improvement of transport infrastructure, introduction of innovative and information technologies, strengthening of regional and international relations, ensuring traffic safety are successfully solved.
Kazakhstan's special location in the Eurasian economic Union obliges the country's leadership to pay special attention to the issues related to the development and modernization of the transport network and logistics.
Thus, through the territory of Kazakhstan there are 5 international road routes, 14 airports serving international airlines operate, not counting the airports of local importance, providing domestic air routes. Access to the Caspian sea allows for water communication with Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan, and a wide network of Railways with a total length of more than 15 thousand kilometers provides intensive passenger and cargo transportation.
This holiday brings together representatives of road, rail, water and air transport. Drivers, dispatchers, conductors, controllers, drivers, conductors, pilots, flight attendants, technical personnel – this is only an incomplete list of professions that are directly related to the holiday of transport workers.
Dear colleagues! We heartily congratulate everyone on the Day of transport workers!