The seminar on the legislation of natural monopolies in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Created on 27.08.2018 16:24
On August 9, 2018, employees of the Marketing and tariffs Department of the Enterprise held a seminar where the amendments and additions to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On natural monopolies" relating to the activities of the Enterprise, were made during 2017-2018, and approved in this period in accordance with the Law and the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan subordinate regulatory legal acts were considered.
The participants of the seminar discussed the application of the legislation. The provisions of the Rules, the placement of reports and information on subjects of natural monopolies, Methods of forming standards and assessing the quality of regulated services of subjects of natural monopolies in the relevant industry (sphere), Methods of calculating the tariff, taking into account the stimulating methods of tariff formation.
The possibility of application of the latter in case of expiration of the tariff limits and the presence of one industry of two or more entities in the regulated market (with the possibility of comparative analysis) is noted.
The seminar also discussed the Rules of consideration of draft agreements of market entities for compliance or non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of competition protection, as well as model external acts of the Antimonopoly complex for market entities.