
Another step towards ICAO standards

Created on 14.11.2018 16:06

In the period from 29.10.2018 to 09.11.2018 in the Center of Professional Training (CPT) conducted a validation course "Training Manager-instructor engaged in training on training devices and on-the-job training (ATC Simulator/OJT instructor course)", which was attended by 12 students, of which 11 participants – representatives of four branches and 1 participant – representative of CPT RSE "kazaeronavigatsiya". In order to approve the course in the TRAINAIR PLUS program as a standardized training and methodological complex developed in accordance with the ICAO methodology, the event was held in the presence of the ICAO validator. The course includes training both in the classroom and on the control simulator.

The creation of the course in the framework of the TRAINAIR PLUS ICAO program was initiated by the Protocol decision of the meeting of the working group of the Enterprise on the development and modification of the system of professional training of air traffic controllers from 10.04.2018. in Addition, the revision of the training of air traffic controllers is dictated by changes in the "Standard training programs for aviation personnel involved in ensuring flight safety" (order Of the Minister for investment and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 5, 2018 № 431).

This project was implemented by the developers of the courses ICAO experts tspp Natalia Hwang and Bakhtiyar Kuchkarova, with the active help and direct involvement in the conduct of the course managers, instructors of the Enterprise – the expert in the developed region Askhat Kesikbaev, Nazigul Achaioi, George Prikhodko, Viktor Deikun, Yury Bryzgalov, Andrew Edenberga.

To conduct such courses set very high criteria for conducting classes instructors, which our experts fully comply, namely:

expert skill level in feasible region;

qualification in the field of standardized courses (successful completion of Training Instructor Course TRAINAIR Plus –TP TIC);

experience in training aviation personnel for at least 3 years.

The views of the participants were reflected both by completing individual feedback questionnaires for each module and by responding to all training materials and activities. In all cases, the value and usefulness of the course content was noted.

All participants not only successfully completed the training, but also made an invaluable contribution to the improvement of the materials and content of the course. Views were expressed and supported on the need to make significant changes to the existing documentation relating to the training of air traffic controllers and ATS examiners.

Undoubtedly, such work could not be done without the professionalism and teamwork of all who developed, conducted and participated in the course, as well as those who organized and helped in the implementation of this project.