
CANSO Global ATM Safety Conference 2018

Created on 30.11.2018 15:56

From 26 to 30 November 2018 in Banff (Canada) the annual global conference on safety at ATM was held, under the auspices of the international organization of air navigation service providers CANSO (CANSO Global ATM Safety Conference 2018). At this conference "kazaeronavigatsiya" RSE was represented by specialists of the Department for safety and quality management.

The conference addressed the following issues:

- report on the work done in the field of safety of air navigation services for 2017;

- implementation of the standards for human resources performance management (Human Performance Management);

- review of the results of the maturity tests of safety management systems EUROCONTROL / CANSO Standard of         Excellence in SMS 2018;

- a comparative analysis of the security status associated with the violation of separation when flying IFR and unauthorized occupation of the runway, based on data and causal factors;

- cyber security and their role in the ATM system;

- preparation for the implementation of ICAO standards and recommended practices on fatigue risks in accordance with ICAO Annex 11 amendment 50-b.

During the conference, meetings were held with managers on safety management, as well as on the exchange of information and training.