The most popular tourist cities identified for holiday trips
Created on 20.03.2019 17:06
The ten best cities for traveling on holidays included St. Petersburg, Paris, Sochi, Rome, Astana, Moscow, Minsk, Prague and Yalta, according to TourStat.
The analytical agency conducted an online survey of tourists and has ranked the best Russian and foreign cities in which travelers would like to spend holiday weekends in March 2019.
St. Petersburg called the best city for travel - 22% of respondents. For Paris cast their votes 18% of respondents, and 10% for the Sochi resort city. Rome won 9% of the vote, Astana - 8%.
Another ten entered Moscow, Minsk and Prague (5% of the votes each) and Yalta (4%). The rating also includes Baku, Berlin, Yerevan, Kazan and Tallinn.