
The Petropavlovsk subsidiary of the "Kazaeronavigatsia"RSE was held a “Subbotnik”

Created on 20.03.2019 10:16

In the run up-to the Nauryz, the holiday of spring and renewal, at the Petropavlovsk subsidiary of the "Kazaeronavigatsia"RSE was held a “Subbotnik” (Saturday).

         As is well known, in the North Kazakhstan region a large amount of precipitation falls annually, and this winter was not an exception. In spring, during the period of thawing of snow, there is a high probability of floods, which can cause flooding of the building foundation. Therefore, the entire team of the Petropavlovsk subsidiary together went out to clean the area of snow, where the leadership subsidiary also took an active participation in the clean-up day. Through joint efforts and using available special equipment, cleared all the paths and grounds of snow around the buildings.

        Due to this measure, it will be able to avoid flooding of infrastructure and buildings. Presently, the Petropavlovsk subsidiary meets the spring holiday Nauryz  in cleanliness and comfort.

       Making the conclusion, it would be desirable to tell, that such events not only improve the superficies, but also have a good influence on teamwork.