
At the Shymkent subsidiary were successfully carried out periodic checking flights of the equipment ILS landing systems.

Created on 27.02.2019 16:15

At the Shymkent subsidiary were successfully carried out periodic checking flights of the equipment  ILS landing systems.

Flight checking  tests of ILS SP-90 equipment with magnetic landing courses of 281° and 101° were conducted at the Shymkent subsidiary from February 23 to February 25.

Flight checks of Radio Technical Support of  Flights and Communications (hereinafter - RTSF) are carried out in order to confirm compliance of technical characteristics of  RTSF facilities  with the requirements of regulatory and operational documentation.

Flight checks of ILS equipment are conducted  with an aircraft-laboratory (hereinafter referred to as AL), on which special equipment is located,  controlling the parameters and characteristics of ground-based RTSF  facilities. All parameters are documented  by on- board test engineer of the flying laboratory , an assessment is made of the conformity  test facility parameters and characteristics to the requirements of the regulatory technical documentation.

During the flight inspection, the engineering and technical personnel of the CNS/ATM subsidiary, closely cooperates with the AL crew. Flight inspection was carried out by AL, owned by LLP.

Due to the well-coordinated work  of engineer of  I category A.S. Perekeev,  technician  of  I  category I. M. Gadiyev, technician  of  2  category  A. A.Chizhov RL and RN complex CNS/ATM department and the crew of  LLP - the commander of the AL Yaglenko V., inspector B. Zhailybaev, the flight test of the SP-90 landing systems, the long-range radio beacons RMD-90NP and  radio beacon marker RMM-90  were carried out qualitatively and  in a short time, which reduced the time of exclusion from the equipment for the flight inspection period.

At the end of  flight checks, compiled Acts of flight checks,  confirming the compliance  ILS Shymkent subsidiary equipment  with  the regulatory and technical documentation and the RTSF Rules and aviation telecommunications.

The following flight checks, in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, will be carried out after  360 days.