Implementation of the development Plan of RSE “Kazaeronavigatsia» at the Pavlodar branch
Created on 25.02.2019 10:54
Implementation of the development Plan of RSE “Kazaeronavigatsia»
at the Pavlodar branch
At the Pavlodar Subsidiary, as part of the implementation of the Development Plan of the “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE for 2017–2021, experts of CNS/ATM Department and the Meteorological Service together with experts of LLP “URBAN Engineering” work on the projects of preparation for the positions construction under the equipment installation for the ILS VPP-21 landing system with the reconstruction of the existing optical - fiber ring and a backup set of meteorological sensors.
A planned FOCL with using a ring-type topology implies a serial connection of data transmission nodes (the latest is connected to the first), which will increase safety and ensure reliability of the entire network, even if one of the nodes fails or cable fault in any particular area. Because the optical fiber is not an electrical conductor, eliminates the possibility of equipment damage due to surge caused by lightning.
Meteorological equipment suitable for measuring meteorological quantities, needed for ensuring safety of takeoff and landing of aircrafts, therefore the installation of a backup set of meteorological sensors will ensure the uninterrupted production of meteorological observations.