Refresher courses for KTOMO specialists
Created on 20.02.2019 14:03
Refresher courses for KTOMO specialists
Modern technology of meteorological support for takeoffs and landings of aircrafts at aerodromes is based on automated processing of the results of meteorological observations. Meteorological observations at the Shymkent aerodrome produce remotely using the integrated radio-technical automated meteorological station KRAMS-4, which is suitable for measurement and collection of meteorological information of the atmosphere main parameters at the aerodrome, processing of this information, generating of meteorological messages, displays, registration and distributing information by channels.
The KRAMS-4 station of various configurations has been installed at 114 aerodromes, heliports and helipads of the following countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. Including 49 international airports I-III category of ICAO.
Engineer of first category of maintenance service of meteorological equipment in the Shymkent subsidiary Baidenov Zaur Abayevich as a member in the meteorological services team, has completed advanced training courses at the Russian State Hydro meteorological University by the program “Exploitation of the integrated radio-technical aerodrome meteorological station KRAMS-4”.