
The 18th meeting of the Coordination Commission for Air Navigation

Created on 28.11.2018 10:03

The 18th meeting of the Coordination Commission for Air Navigation

In the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC, Moscow) from November 20 to November 22, 2018, the 18th meeting of the Coordination Commission for Air Navigation took place.

The following main topics were discussed at the meeting:

- Ensuring the of aircraft safety operations in regarding meteorological part;

- Implementation of the ICAO project - IAC “Improving safety”;

- Submission of information about the violation of the order of the airspace management on the investigation materials of aviation events in ATM;

- Presentation of the document: “Basic Requirements for SMS in ATM” Part C;

- The human factor in ensuring information security of the air traffic control automated system;

- The problem of providing SMS - psychological aspects;

- SMS - cyber security in ATM;

- Digital and remote aerodrome control centers.

A visit to the aviation accident investigation laboratory of the IAC was also organized, where the meeting participants were familiarized with the stages of this laboratory’s work on extracting and recovering data from the flight recorders of the “black boxes”.

Mr. Zhan Kulnazarov, the Deputy Director of the Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment Department and Mr. Sultan Abdreshev, the Head of the internal investigations of events in the ATM system division took part in the meeting of the Coordination Commission from the Republican State Enterprise “Kazaeronavigatsia”.