Modernization of the automated air traffic control system “Skyline”, of the West Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM
Created on 15.10.2018 15:39
As part of the contract for the modernization of the automated air traffic control system “Skyline”, the specialists of the West Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM subsidiary, together with representatives of the supplier company “Leidos”, are carrying out the relevant work.
The modernization was required in connection with the changing requirements in the field of air traffic management and the improvement its functionality according to the comments and requests accumulated over previous years of operation of the ATC automated system “Skyline”.
All work is divided into several stages - the harmonization of requirements, factory testing, pretesting and the transition to a new version of the software product.
At the present stage, the Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment service together with the ATS service checks the software of the ATC automated system “Skyline” for compliance with the requirements of the modernization specification, as well as the suitability of using an upgraded version of the software for air traffic control.