
Participation in the seminar of users of the European EAD database

Created on 25.09.2018 11:10

Participation in the seminar of users of the European EAD database

The 6th regional seminar of users of the European EAD database was held in Kiev, Ukraine on September 17-20, 2018. This system is a database of aeronautical data from more than 160 countries, including aeronautical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The staff of RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia" who are responsible for the provision of aeronautical information, also took part in this seminar.

During the meeting, existing and planned updates to the systems were presented as well. Users of the system demonstrated and discussed the emerging difficulties in the operation of the base. Manufacturers of EAD had the opportunity to receive direct feedback and recommendations from the operators, for their subsequent inclusion in the updates.

The seminar is used as a platform for solving practical issues of providing aeronautical data, such as elimination of defects in subsystems, transition to new versions of software, determination of the procedure for issuing SNOWTAM, etc.