
The radio technical support of flights

Created on 19.09.2018 09:12

The radio technical support of flights is one of the pillars supporting aviation security at the proper level. As a result, it is necessary to give maximum attention to the maintenance of the aids and their scheduled repair.

To this end, the Petropavlovsk subsidiary installs an maintenance accounting automation complex, which is scheduled to be launched on September 21, 2018.

The system will allow:

• receive full information about the condition of the equipment in repair;

• ensure transparency in the relationship between the Enterprise’s subdivisions and contracting companies on the operation of facilities and repair work;

• create a unified database on the equipment fund, the history of its operation and repairs.

The use of this complex in practice will substantially reduce the amount of time spent on scheduled maintenance of the facilities, and will reduce the probability of error, which will be of great support to the Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment Department.