Earth and sky
Created on 15.08.2018 16:08
Aviation is the most weather-dependent industry. Before taking off into sky, the pilot-in-command should receive the latest weather report and only then make a decision to take off.
In order for the information to be as accurate as possible, a special meteorological service operates over it, without which no one airport in the world could function.
The weather at the Kostanay aerodrome is monitored by one of the units of the meteorological service - a complex of meteorological observation production, consisting of professional staff, meteorological technicians. From their workplace, the airfield can be seen coming. With an experienced view, they determine the shape and type of cloudiness, the type of precipitation and atmospheric phenomena and transmit this information to consumers. In the work of the meteorological service, modern measuring and information systems KRAMS are used.
Dozens of parameters from the speed and direction of the wind to humidity and air pressure are displayed on special meteorological displays installed in the workplaces of all services that organize take-off and landing of aircraft. In the indissoluble chain “aircraft - pilot – air traffic controller - weather conditions”, none of the links is more important than the other. Every day an aviation technician-meteorologist conducts laborious, extremely important work, the purpose of which is the safety of passengers.