
From September 18 to 22, 2023 at the West Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM branch of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE a competition of professional skills was held among air traffic controllers

Created on 03.10.2023 14:35

In order to increase the level of theoretical and professional training of air traffic controllers, strengthen the labor and technological discipline of air traffic service personnel, disseminate and implement advanced techniques and methods of work, bring the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the period from 09.18.23 to 09.22.23. The West Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM branch of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE held a competition of professional skills among ATCOs.

The competition consisted of 5 stages. ATCOs with a valid air traffic controller certificate who have not had gross violations of technological and labor discipline within a year before the start date of the competition were eligible to take part in the competition.

The first and second rounds of the competition are homework assessment. The competition participants submitted homework to the competition committee - a presentation in English, the topic of which was problematic issues of air traffic service in the competition participant's work area and proposals for solving them, or  presentation or methodological material aimed at improving the theoretical training of air traffic controllers. Separately, the level of English language proficiency was assessed by an invited teacher and a native speaker. Preparing homework is one of the forms of initiative by ATS personnel aimed at improving safety in a specific ATS area.

The third round of the competition is a test consisting of questions on the legal acts regulating the work of air traffic controllers, as well as on the history of civil aviation, in particular questions concerning the history of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE.

The fourth round of the competition is a test of practical skills at the control training center. The tour consisted of two phases of a simulation exercise: a team exercise with high air traffic intensity; technology practice of air traffic controller in special cases.

Based on the results of the first four rounds, the 5 participants who scored the most points were admitted to the fifth and final round. In the final round and awarding of the competition winners Mr. F. Bogdashkin, the First Deputy Director General of the Enterprise took part. The fifth round is made up of 5 tickets, consisting of 3 questions and 9 tasks on ATS. Issues covered meteorology, radio-technical facilities and aviation history. 10 minutes were set to solve the ATS issues.

Based on the results of the competition, winners and awardees, as well as winners in the following nominations, were assessed and determined:

• In the nomination “Best Homework” Olzhas Dildabay– air traffic controller of ACC;

• 3rd place in the competition and winner in the nomination “Best English” Adilet Ibadullin – air traffic controller of ACC;

• 2nd place in the competition and winner in the nomination “Best Practical Skills” Azamat Almagambetov - air traffic controller of ACC;

• 1st place in the competition and winner in the nomination “Best Theoretical Knowledge” Erasyl Mukashev - air traffic controller of ACC.

The five-stage Air Traffic Controller Skills Competition is an effective way to test the skills and abilities of participants, and has also become a tool to test themselves and introduce themselves to notice.