
The Republic of Kazakhstan takes measures to further strengthening aviation security

Created on 31.05.2018 16:36

The International Aviation Security Conference of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) takes place in the period from May 29 to May 31, 2018 in Lisbon (Portugal). The purpose of the conference is to implement the provision of the ICAO Global Aviation Security Plan, adopted in 2017. Dr. Fan Liu, the ICAO Secretary General, chairs the conference. The heads of aviation authorities of 56 countries of the ICAO European and North Atlantic regions take part in this event. The delegation of the Republic Kazakhstan is represented by                                       Mr. Talgat Lastayev, the Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic Kazakhstan, Mr. Darkhan Katyshev, the Head of the Aviation Security Department and Mr. Azat Bekturov, the Director General of the Republican State Enterprise “Kazaeronavigatsia”. Taking into account the dynamic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of aviation security and the achieved level of compliance with ICAO standards following last year's audit, Mr. Talgat Lastayev, the head of CAC, is given the right to address the meeting and share experience in improving state control and oversight of aviation security in the framework of the ICAO Global Plan implementation.               Also Mr. Azat Bekturov was appointed as the moderator of one of the Sessions at such a significant event of ICAO. During the Conference, the delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan held bilateral meetings with Dr. Fan Liu, the ICAO Secretary General and Mr. Luis Fonseca de Almeida, the ICAO Regional Director, where the issues of national road maps development for the Global Plan implementation were discussed. In addition, a bilateral working meeting with the delegation of the Russian Federation was held at the Conference venues. It should be noted that in November 2017, the Republic of Kazakhstan successfully passed ICAO's audit on aviation security and the implementation of ICAO standards amounted to 83%, which is 11% higher than the world average and 21% higher than the audit indicators of Kazakhstan in 2009.