On September 21-22 this year, a seminar in the Department of Emergency Situations of the West Kazakhstan region was held
Created on 26.09.2022 12:20
On September 21-22 this year in the Department of Emergency Situations of West Kazakhstan region a seminar was held in accordance with the 46th article of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On civil protection" from April 11, 2014 № 188-V ZRK.
This Law regulates public relations arising in the process of civil protection measures and is aimed at the prevention and elimination of emergencies of natural and man-made character and their consequences, provision of emergency medical and psychological assistance to the population in the emergency area, ensuring fire and industrial safety, also determines the main tasks, organizational principles of construction and functioning of civil defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the formation, storage and use of the state material reserve, the organization and activities of emergency rescue services and formations.
According to the above Law, heads of organizations, commanders of civil protection formations undergo training and retraining in the territorial divisions of the department of the authorized body.
This seminar was attended by employees of the Uralsk branch of "Kazaeronavigatsia" RSE, responsible for civil defense branch are:
head of Civil Defense - A.E. Suleimenov - director of the branch;
acting deputy head of Civil Defense - I.V. Surayev - leading engineer of KRTOP service of the CNS/ATM Department;
member of the Commission for Emergency Situations, commander of the logistic support unit of the formation of civil protection - A.E. Mamanov is an engineer of ENS and MTS AHO.
Training in the field of civil protection is carried out in order to instill skills in emergency situations, conduct emergency rescue and urgent work, knowledge of the basic techniques and methods of rescue and mutual assistance, as well as attract specialists from organizations to perform analytical, expert and other work on issues of civil protection.
In the classroom, they studied the legal acts in the field of civil protection, orders, instructions of the Committee for Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. An analysis of the work of the Civil Defense headquarters and emergency commissions created in organizations classified as civil defense, examples of work on engineering protection, evacuation, carried out by local executive bodies in cooperation with the Department of Emergency Situations, its territorial divisions are considered.
During the training participants were explained the activities of the state system of civil protection and the requirements for the implementation of civil defense, the basic aspects of communication and public warning system, actions in case of emergencies, a practical exercise on first aid, demonstrations of hazardous substances.
After the main part of the training, the participants of the seminar were given an excursion to the fire museum. The participants could see not only fire extinguishing equipment, but also get acquainted with the history of the development of the Fire Department in the West Kazakhstan region.
Upon completion of training, participants who completed training or retraining in the field of civil protection were awarded certificates of a single sample established by the authorized body.