
The employees of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE took part in a charity marathon.

Created on 29.05.2018 11:52

On May 27, 2018 III charity BI Marathon was held, which gathered a record number of participants - 7,200 people from 20 countries of the world.

The employees “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE also did not stay away from this event and despite an early cold and windy morning, 7 employees of the Enterprise took part in the charity marathon.

From the “Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” subsidiary: Mr. G. Tomilin – the Senior Air Traffic Controller, Mr. T. Muratov – the ACC Air Traffic Controller, Mr. A. Omarov – the Air Traffic Controller-Trainee of ATS. From the Central Office the following specialists were running in the race: Mrs. V. Seliverstova – the Engineer of the ATC Automated System of Technical Department of CNS/ATM, Mr. D. Zhussupov – the Head of the Contracts Division of the Legal Department, Mr. A. Issabekov – the Specialist of the second category of the Organization and Conduct of State Procurement Division of State Procurement Organization   Office, Mr. Kh. Serayev - Human Resources and Social  Affairs Division of Administrative and Personnel Affairs Department.

The entry fees of each participant (4500 tenge) were received by the charity “BI-Zhuldyzai” foundation for medical assistance and treatment of disabled children.