Working visit of the Chief of Staff of the “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE to the Netherlands
Created on 29.05.2018 09:56
On May 14, 2018, a working visit of Ms. K. Kaken, Chief of Staff of “Kazaeronavigatsiya” RSE was held to discuss the issues related to the establishment of pilots Training Centers at the expert level to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, where she met with representatives of FSC Aviation Training in Schiphol. During the meeting with representatives of the FSC company, the Chief of Staff was acquainted with the activities of the Aviation Center and the equipment of FSC Aviation Training, as well as with the training process of pilots, the organization of training and various services of the company.
The FSC Aviation Center is the largest independent Training Center in Europe. FSC operates 17 flight simulators of the most common types, also has Training Centers in three European countries (Netherlands, Germany and Spain). The Center's customers are over 160 airlines around the world.
The Center operates in the new equipped room in the area of Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The program of the working visit was very saturated, FSC experts led by Mr. Rene Veerman, Development Director provided a very informative presentation on the various services of the company and familiarization with the flight simulators of the Center.