The employee survey assessing the opportunities for improving the psychological climate was conducted in “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE
Created on 25.05.2018 10:21
In April-May 2018, the employees of the subsidiaries and the central office of the Enterprise were questioned, to assess the possibilities for improving the psychological climate of the Enterprise.
Despite the anonymity of the survey, the employees of the Enterprise took an active part in it. So responses to the questionnaire showed by more than 80%.
The greatest activity was shown by the “South East Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM”, “West Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM”, Atyrau and Zhambyl subsidiaries, where more than 90% of employees took part in the survey.
The questionnaire showed that the psychological atmosphere among staff and in subdivisions is favorable.
The staff feels affection for the workplace and 82% are satisfied with the work.
There are practically no people, who goes to work feeling depressed and irritated.
The most preferred factor influencing the formation of the psychological atmosphere in the Enterprise was recognized interpersonal relations, as well as working conditions and stability of the company.
A good sign is that almost half of the employees (46%) believe that there are no reasons that hinder the development of a positive psychological atmosphere.
In the future, it is planned to conduct a survey of employees periodically and in other areas.
Administrative and Personnel Affairs Department