
Atyrau subsidiary completed an honorable mission, seeing off a staff member to retirement

Created on 15.08.2022 08:55

Mr. Salauat Kazbayev, the flight supervisor of the air traffic service of the Atyrau subsidiary, a 21-year-old young man came to work in the field of civil aviation. 43 years of working life spent on the air traffic control panel.

The long-service employee of civil aviation Mr. Salauat Kazbayev in 1979 graduated from the training courses of air traffic controllers at Training Center UTO-2 in Almaty, after graduation he got a job in the Guryev United Air Squadron in the traffic service. He has a higher education, graduated from T. Begeldinov State Aktobe Higher Military Aviation School. He has come a long professional career from a radar operator to the flight supervisor of the ATS service. Several times encouraged by many awards “Qurmet gramotasy” and letters of thanks. Over the years of work in the industry, he has proven himself to be a competent, hardworking and responsible staff member, who enjoys the authority and respect of his colleagues, was a responsive, but demanding mentor of young specialists. He is not only a professional aviator, but also an exemplary family man, a careful father. He and his beloved wife Mrs. Galiya raised worthy four children, help raise their grandchildren, surrounding them with love and care.

The staff of the Atyrau subsidiary sincerely thanked the long-service employee and colleague for a long, honoured, professional way, wished him happiness, health and long life.