The work to install backup equipment was carried out in the Zhambyl subsidiary
Created on 12.08.2022 08:37
The main priority of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE has always been the flight safety. To ensure flight safety, structural subdivisions use a contemporary high-precision equipment that fully complies with international requirements and standards.
To maintain the level of technical compliance of meteorological equipment at the meteorological service facilities, the installation work was carried out to install backup equipment. Namely: WAC155 digital wind parameter converter and WAV151 weather vane, WAA anemometer, HMP155 humidity and temperature sensor, СL31 ceilometer, PTB330 digital barometer.
These equipments provide the meteorological information necessary to improve flight safety and the quality of operational air traffic services. The complex of equipment is designed to display various meteorological data at different heights, calculate and display wind speed and direction up to the height of the upper limit of detection of meteorological objects, charts of vertical and horizontal wind shear, turbulence, calculate and display precipitation intensity for any time interval, determine dangerous weather phenomena (hail, thunderstorm, squall tailwind shear), displaying the speed and direction of cloud system movement, as well as observing their movement and evolution, which makes it possible to provide an ultra-urgent weather forecast. The commissioning of reserve equipment in the future will make it possible to upgrade the category of the Aulie-Ata airport to the second category according to ICAO. This will ensure the possibility of aircraft approach in more difficult meteorological conditions.
Redundancy of meteorological equipment at the Aulie-Ata aerodrome significantly increases the level of safety and regularity of flights.