
ICAO Meeting - ATS Route Development Group in the Eastern part of European Region

Created on 18.04.2018 09:19

ICAO Meeting - ATS Route Development Group in the Eastern part of European Region                          

The 28th ICAO Meeting - ATS Route Development Group in the Eastern Part of the European Region RDGE / 28 was held from 10th to 13th of April, 2018 in Paris (France), attended by the staff of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE.

63 representatives from 23 CIS countries, Eastern and Western Europe and international organizations (ICAO, EUROCONTROL, and IATA) took part in the RDGE / 28 Meeting.       

In accordance with the agenda items, the proposals to RDGE ATS Route Catalogue were considered at the meetings of the RDGE Group.

The representatives of ICAO and EUROCONTROL presented reports on the latest amendments of ICAO standards and procedures, as well as on the development of the ATS Route Network in the European Region.

To review the proposals to the ATS Route Catalogue, the RDGE Group was divided into 4 working sub-groups - the Baltic zone, the Black Sea and South Caucasus zone, the Central Asian zone, the Far East zone.

The representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, ICAO and IATA took part in the work of the Central Asian Subgroup.

  At the meeting of this subgroup, proposals and amendments for 56 ATS routes were considered included in the Central Asia Route Catalogue and the interface, as well as 9 proposals for new ATS routes. 

The next meeting of RDGE / 29 is scheduled for November 2018.