The 14th Meeting of the Aeronautical Information Management / System-Wide Information Management Group
Created on 06.04.2018 17:17
The 14th meeting of the Aeronautical Information Management / System-Wide Information Management Group was held on March 27-28, 2018 in the city of Brussels (Belgium).
The Meeting was attended by authorized representatives of aeronautical information services and civil aviation administrations of the Member States of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), representatives of international organizations ICAO, EASA, EUROCONTROL, as well as representatives of Jeppesen, Lufthansa Systems FlightNav, NavBlue, Avitech (65 participants).
The meeting heard reports by sub-groups of the AIM / SWIM Group, information on regional activities from ICAO and EASA, information from EUROCONTROL about activities related to AIM, such as the European Aeronautical Information Services Database (EAD), European ATM Information Management Service EAIMS), Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) and ATM Master Plan Level 3.
A brief overview of the activities of the ICAO Information Management Group (IMP), the results of the Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium (GANIS) and the Safety and Air Navigation Implementation Symposium (SANIS), as well as an overview of the development of specifications and manual on System-Wide Information Management were also considered.
Mr. D. Narbekov, the Deputy Director of the Aeronautical Information Management Department of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE attended the Meeting.